Fitness App

Why a Fitness App?

I designed a concept fitness app for everyone to be able to use. This app can be used from using tracking at home workouts to booking your favorite workout classes. It is designed to be an all -in-one app, instead of having many apps for different workouts.


  • To start the design process, I first researched the competitor apps to test their design and functionality. I then created a design plan and design brief. I created different personas for this app to help design around the types of users who could benefit from the app. Finally I created user flows and then started the layouts for the wireframes and mockups.

  • The features of this app which can help a user more effectively than many other fitness apps is the ability to track workouts from weekly to monthly and have a continuous tracker to help the user keep up with their goals.

  • I created the app with these colors to help motivate the user. Red and variations of red motivating colors and inspiring for users to reach their health and fitness goals.


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